- Quantitative evaluation of aquifer properties (transmissivity,
storage, hydraulic conductivity, specific capacity)
- Evaluation of basin flow and watershed runoff
- Everglades hydrology
- Derivation stream rating curves
- Collection of rainfall quality and quantity data
- Rating water control structures and pump stations
- Hydrologic Instrumentation: Installation and Operation
(water levels, flow meters, rainfall, water quality)
- Water Quality Data Collection (groundwater surface water,
rainfall, soil, subsurface geologic materials, canal and steam
- Analysis of historic hydrologic conditions in the
Everglades/Big Cypress Basins and adjacent wetland areas.
Hydrologic Associates personnel have
decades of experience collecting and analyzing surface water data
throughout Florida. This experience includes design and construction
of surface water gages, stream gaging (discharge measurements) in
streams and at water level measurements, development of rating
curves, statistical analysis of hydraulic data, storm water
modeling, basin (watershed) modeling and tidal flushing analysis.
Hydrologic Associates has in-house capabilities to
complete the tasks listed above and has the following types of
equipment and instrumentation:
- Water level recorders: Analog, digital, and electronic.
- Current meters (discharge): Price Current Meters, Pygmy
Meters, Marsh-Mc Birney, Flow meter.
- Boats, cranes, bridge boards, A-Reels and Wading Rods for
discharge measurements.
- Staff gage installation.
- Surface Water modeling using, CHAN.
Surface Water Installation in South Miami-Dade County
Hydrologic Associates personnel have
decades of experience in the collection and analysis of groundwater
data throughout Florida, Mexico, and the Caribbean. Our experience
includes conducting long and short term aquifer tests (the latter
mainly consisting of step-drawdown and specific capacity tests) on
single or multiple wells. Using the proper analytical solution (such
as confined or unconfined aquifer, leaky aquifer, fractured rock
aquifer, etc.) derivation values of aquifer transmissivity,
hydraulic conductivity, leakage, specific capacity, and storage
coefficient can be calculated.
Hydrologic Associates has in-house capabilities to
complete the tasks listed above and has the following types of
equipment and instrumentation for quantitative analysis of
- Pressure Transducers: In Situ Trolls, In Situ Multi Channel
- Centrifugal Pumps: With intake 2-inch, 3-inch, 6-inch
discharge hoses
- Downhole Pumps: Grunfos 5, 10, and 20 horsepower for various
flow rates and head
- Line Shaft Pumps - (3) 8, 12 and 16 inch
- With diesel PTO – rated at 1000 to 10,000 gallons per
- Borehole Camera – Black and white
- Flow Meters
- Haliburton in-line (2)
- Marsh- Mc Birney
- Cross Correlation (capable of measuring large pipes to
60 inches and volume)
Hydrologic Associates have over 30 years
experience in the collection and analysis of water quality data.
Sampling media includes surface waters (streams, lakes, and canals),
groundwater, soil,
subsurface geologic material, bottom sediments
and tidal areas. HAI operates under a quality assurance/quality
control (QA/QC) plan approval by the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection (FDEP). HAI utilizes selected state and
federally certified analytical laboratories for sample processing
and analysis. HAI personnel collect water quality data from various
media on nearly a daily basis. HAI has the following equipment and
expertise to accomplish the tasks listed above.
- Samplers:
- Bailers (Teflon and Stainless Steel)
- Kemmerer Water Sampler
- Shelby tubes and appurtenances
- Ekman and Ponar Dredges
- Split Spoon Sampling
- Pumps:
- Peristaltic
- Downhole
- Centrifugal
- Water Quality Instruments:
- pH, conductivity and dissolved oxygen meters
- Turbidimeters
- Conductivity/Temperature probes to 350 feet